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South Dakota and Wyoming 2021 Integrated Resource Plan

Electric bucket truck

夏延轻型燃料和电力公司(夏延轻型)和黑山电力公司的综合资源计划(IRP)过程和评估, Inc. (布莱克山电力公司)澳门金沙客服网址支持通过平衡的发电资源组合来最好地满足两家公用事业公司预测的未来需求, including coal, natural gas, solar, and wind. In addition, 每个公用事业公司的首选计划包括继续研究增加电池存储,以进一步多样化资源组合. Unlike prior IRPs submitted by the utilities, this IRP includes an analysis of the resource needs of Cheyenne Light individually, Black Hills Power individually, and a joint analysis of a combined load for the two utilities.

The goal of the IRP is to develop a preferred plan minimizing cost to customers, while mitigating customer risk, achieving generation and transmission adequacy, continuing the safe delivery of reliable energy, and meeting both environmental objectives and regulatory requirements.

Download the 2021 Integrated Resource Plan

Frequently Asked Questions


What is an Integrated Resource Plan?

Every three years, 澳门金沙登录公司代表其电力公司进行全面的规划过程, Cheyenne Light, Fuel and Power and Black Hills Power, Inc., serving customers in Wyoming and South Dakota. The process culminates in the completion of an Integrated Resource Plan, or IRP, 哪一项预测了未来20年规划所需的澳门金沙登录需求. This supports our efforts to provide customers with the safe, 可靠和经济的澳门金沙登录,为他们的家庭和企业供电.

What factors are considered in the planning process?

IRP流程基于我们对客户的承诺以及为他们澳门金沙登录提供安全所需的步骤, reliable and cost-effective energy in the near- and long-term. Through extensive analysis and modeling, 我们的IRP推荐了最低成本的发电资源,以满足客户的澳门金沙登录需求,以及澳门金沙客服网址支持可靠性和电网弹性所需的输电系统增强.

Are environmental considerations reflected in the IRP?

IRP澳门金沙登录提供了一个路线图,通过包括煤炭在内的发电资源的平衡组合来满足我们客户的澳门金沙登录需求, natural gas, wind, solar and battery storage. 该计划考虑了公司实现更清洁排放的机会,以澳门金沙客服网址支持公司的可持续发展目标,即在2005年的基础上,到2040年将温室气体排放强度减少70%.


为该IRP进行的建模和分析澳门金沙客服网址支持我们的煤机组在其工程寿命期间继续运行. 该公司的尼尔·辛普森二世燃煤电厂将于2025年达到其原工程寿命. As a result, IRP建议将90兆瓦(MW)电厂转换为天然气,作为成本最低的选择,以澳门金沙客服网址支持可靠性和季节性峰值需求容量要求. 这个拟议的工厂改造将需要通过一个单独的程序获得监管部门的批准.

这是否意味着澳门金沙登录公司(Black Hills Energy)正在退出其在怀俄明州的煤炭业务?

Not at all. 怀俄明州的澳门金沙登录已经并将继续在我们的发电组合中发挥关键作用. 我们的建模和分析假设我们的燃煤机组在其工程寿命期间将继续使用煤炭作为主要燃料来源.

With a proposed conversion of the Neil Simpson II unit from coal to natural gas, will jobs be impacted?

IRP提出了一项建议计划,以满足未来的资源需求,但实际的决定和计划是关于任何资源的, including Neil Simpson II, will follow. 现在推测尼尔·辛普森2号机组改造对人员的潜在影响还为时过早. With that said, 我们致力于成为维持和发展怀俄明州经济和劳动力的长期合作伙伴.

该公司是否需要将Neil Simpson II机组转换为天然气的额外发电能力?

Yes. 内部审查方案确定了近期规划期间由于拟议改造尼尔·辛普森II号机组而产生的澳门金沙登录容量需求. IRP探讨了增加100兆瓦新可再生澳门金沙登录的选择,包括风能, solar and battery storage, 以澳门金沙客服网址支持客户负荷增长和尼尔辛普森II工厂改造的澳门金沙登录需求.  公司将评估所有类型的可再生资源,以确保最低的成本, least-risk resource is implemented to support this need.

Why is the company considering battery storage?

IRP建议进一步评估电池存储的潜在成本节约效益,以提高客户和系统效率, which may aid in the integration of renewable energy onto our system.

Does the IRP address other opportunities for customer cost savings?

Yes. IRP确定了客户成本节约的潜力,可以通过扩大公司拥有的传输服务于夏延照明公司的客户. With steadily rising costs associated with third-party transmission service fees, 该公司正在对客户和系统利益进行详细的分析和评估,这些利益将通过公用事业公司拥有的输电系统的扩展而获得.

How would the proposed transmission system expansion in Cheyenne benefit customers?

IRP确定了在扩大其自有输电系统方面投资夏安照明公司的潜力. 这种传输澳门金沙登录提供了使用经济的夏延光拥有的一代位于我们的吉列的途径, Wyoming energy complex, Currently, 夏延光依靠从第三方购买的传输来服务我们的客户负载, but the costs for these network transmission services continue to rise.  夏延照明公司正在对客户和系统利益进行详细的分析和评估,这些利益将通过在近期需求规划期开始的公用事业所有的输电系统扩展而获得.

Now that the company has submitted its IRP, what happens next?

怀俄明州公共服务委员会(WPSC)将制定一个时间表,其中将包括公众对我们的IRP的评论. 实施内部审查计划的建议可能需要与工作小组委员会进行进一步的程序. We will continue to keep customers informed about the IRP on our website.